Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Cheapening and Downgrading of Almost Everything In The USA (including the Arts)

Hello, All...

I have been noticing that The USA is becoming a Cheap, Sleazy and Talentless place to live.  In the 80s NYC and the rest of the USA cities were bursting with life, talent and high standards, both of talent and ORIGINALITY.  Now people think nothing of ripping off and copying iconic works just to make a few quick sleazy bucks, treating past works as a goldmine for them to plunder wether they are welcome to or not.  Supposed "top level" artists are doing this as well as lower level artists, encouraged by new "hipster" aesthetics that tell them that this is OK (It's NOT OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, Where is your self respect and respect for others????).

High standards must be kept up even under the hardest of circumstances, and certainly originality must be practiced and held as a sacred tenet of the arts.  There is a difference between being inspired by something and blatantly ripping it off.  In addition, high standards of talent must be adhered to, even in this digital age where a cat video on youtube can score millions of hits while a carefully produced video may not.  The hits are not the point.  When self respect goes out the window, your entire culture is downgraded.  This blog is about reversing the rot that seems to have set into the USA, or calling attention to it so that it may start to be reversed.

There is talent in the USA.  It may not get a chance to shine all the time because of severe shortage of funds and bad values being espoused even by top levels of govt, business and the arts - but it is there.  Let's bring it out.


  1. There is quite a bit more that you could write on this topic

  2. There is so much great talent out there that will just never be heard because it's no longer "profitable" for labels. Now it's manufactured drivel or spotifiy paying .0005, essentially making it impossible to live.

    The US gave us the world Rock-n-Roll, however we also euthanized it.
